About Me

My Purpose

My purpose is to help you tap into your inner power by fully embracing your entire life experience as part of what makes you so special and valuable in this world. 

My approach involves listening to your narrative; a process that uncovers your hidden talents, and claiming the parts of you that are, perhaps, hidden that can significantly contribute to your joy and success. I also believe in the transformative power of sharing real-life experiences, examples, and personal anecdotes. These not only empower you to stand in your strength but also dismantle the barriers that hinder your inner masterpiece. Sometimes, these are the very stories and experiences that society may have discouraged you from sharing.

These are experiences rich in resilience that have given us opportunities that, perhaps, we would not have otherwise and also why I started my podcast, The Ardy Reed Podcast.

My Story...

How my life's journey led me to this moment in time... 

I have always loved business and leadership, and it most likely stemmed from being a competitive athlete. When I was 16 years old, I registered and received my first business license. That was when I started immersing myself in personal growth books and the work of other businesspeople. 

Some people would call this a "drive" you're born with, but I don't see it that way for myself.  For me, it was a solution of sorts for that time in my life. My family life consisted of chaos, unpredictability, and neglect. At 16, I was old enough to start that first business.  So it made sense to immerse myself in a "personal growth" path and surround myself with other business people who were fiercely driven and had achieved predictable results. You could kind of call them my surrogates that replaced my coaching surrogates as an athlete. The side effect was I was able to duplicate success for myself. And I have no regrets about choosing this path. It saved me for the next few years, and it taught me that I wasn't alone. I met other beautiful souls who were like me. Some of them are still my friends today. 

By the time I was twenty-one, I had become a contractor and Marketing Director of the largest health club chain in the city I grew up in while attending college.  But if you looked underneath the cloak of success, you would have seen this terrified kid who really struggled with social anxiety and a feeling of never being good enough. So, my constant chase of achievement was about giving me a temporary elixir of the social anxiety pangs and the feeling of not being good enough. And it worked.  I did feel accomplished, and in many ways, I was at that time.

After a few years of selling and marketing, at the age of 32, I started my coaching business and mentored other business owners worldwide. From that experience, I was able to measure everything through a monetary and quantifiable result, and my clients became wildly successful. I flew all over the country and spoke to thousands of business owners, which was exciting and brought me the attention that I desperately craved.   It definitely gave the illusion that all was well in Ardy's world.

In 1999, although I had reached a staggering monetary goal in my marketing and coaching business, my personal life was a disaster, and I could no longer outrun that terrified kid inside and all the secrecy in my life.  I was drinking around the clock, I had another failed relationship, and the management of my business was catastrophic. 

Only one thing needed to change... EVERYTHING.

So, after a couple of years of living in that misery, I sold my marketing business back to my partner, paid off a chunk of my debt, and pursued a path of recovery for myself.

After having some success in recovery, I decided to become a substance abuse counselor to pursue that path so I could help others do the same. I worked with dually diagnosed clients who had substance abuse issues and mental health issues. That path saved my life and I'm grateful I was able to help others that came from a similar background.  


From my past...

I discovered that all of us, in different ways, are on our path of recovery and self-growth. 


The power of embracing who you are, FULLY, is crucial to making any significant change in this world.

That journey in counseling was powerful, and it showed me how one life, changed, touches thousands of lives. The people who successfully broke the cycle of their past are those who actively realized that the journey in life is ever-changing. They went from their own archeological journey in therapy to becoming their own architect to create the future they desired.

After years on that journey, I set a goal for myself to become financially independent so that I could have the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do without any financial fear getting in the way. That journey was to earn a significant income and save almost everything I made. If you want to know more about this journey and the book I wrote on personal finance, click here

So now I have come full circle to coaching once again, fully embracing how imperfections are not only a part of this human experience but also give us the most powerful gifts when we fully embrace them. And every part of my journey brought me to this destination today.

I'm grateful for this path in my life. It's taught me that no matter what path you have chosen or what path you are daring to endeavor now, most of us are embracing some sort of recovery-  whether it's self-doubt, past trauma, or lack of belief. These human experiences bring forth beauty and strength when we are courageous enough to embrace all parts of ourselves through our journey.

Today, I focus on helping people create the life they want by claiming all parts of themselves (especially the ugly parts). Therapy is like archeology... digging up and looking at the past. Coaching is like architecture... constructing where you want to go and focusing on the future. And that's what we do together- we create the blueprint so that you can become your own master architect to create the future you desire! 

Because of this "beautiful past" of mine, I have done a HANDFUL of healing myself, and I know this is a powerful part of what makes me an intuitive and influential coach.

Today, I look at every moment of my life as a part of this beautiful moment that made me who I am. There are no parts to deny ourselves- they are all a part of who you are! 

I'm also grateful that today I fully embrace my life and all its imperfect parts, knowing that I am worthy and that life itself makes me worthy.

I AM WORTHY, and SO ARE YOU. I know this for me, and I know this for you!

I want to help you endeavor the same empowered path with your beautiful imperfections, which make you imperfectly YOU, and unveil your INNER MASTERPIECE because of those imperfections!  

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I absolutely know-


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